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  2. Türk Hava Yolları
  3. Türk Hava Yolları (THY) Boeing 737 filosu için yabancı pilot arıyor

Türk Hava Yolları (THY) Boeing 737 filosu için yabancı pilot arıyor

Türk Hava Yolları, Expat olarak bilinen yabancılar için, Boeing 737 filosunda görevlendirmek üzere ikinci pilot ilanı açtı.


Türk Hava Yolları, Expat olarak bilinen yabancılar için, Boeing 737 filosunda görevlendirmek üzere ikinci pilot ilanı açtı.

Pilot alımlarıyla ilgili detaylar THY’nin internet sitesinde yer alıyor. Başvuru için aşağıdaki linki tıklayınız.

The type-rated First Officers on B737 aircraft type that have the flight experience specified below will be evaluated within the scope of this advertisement.

General Qualifications
• To be born after 01.01.1974
• At least high school graduation
• Not having received any written punishment due to flight failure or flight indiscipline
• No criminal record or criminal archive record
• Incident/Accident Clearance Statement
• Accepting the place to be shown by the Company as the main base and residing there
• Not having quitted jobs in Turkish Airlines Inc. or other organizations due to indiscipline previously,
• Not having left Turkish Airlines Inc. and its affiliates due to contract termination previously

Technical Qualifications
• Holding an EASA/FAA/ICAO CPL/IR (A) with ATPL theoretical credit or ATPL (A) with a valid type rating on the applied aircraft type.
• Having minimum 1500 hours of total flight time on B737 aircraft type – excluding simulator hours. For candidates holding an EASA license, the minimum total flight time on B737 is 1000 hours.
• Having flown at least 250 hours in the last 12 months on the applied aircraft type (excluding simulator hours)

Language Requirements
• Minimum ICAO Level 4 in English

Health Requirements

1. Pilot Recruitment Health Criteria
• You can access the recruitment health criteria determined by Turkish Airlines Inc. through the following link. The candidates are required to review the list before starting the process, and the candidates who have the diseases making them ineligible are required not to apply. Please click here for the health criteria.

2. Having an up-to-date ‘Flightworthy’ Health Report
• On the last day of the assessment process’ candidates are required to obtain a report issued from Aviation Medical Centers authorized by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, stating that their health conditions are suitable for flight.
• In accordance with the internal procedures, THY’s occupational physicians may ask the applicant for extra medical examinations and visits.
• In accordance with the health requirements of the employment procedures, (even though the applicant may have his/her fit to fly report given by one of the DGCA certified medical centers) THY has the right to whether employ the applicant or not. Applicants do not have the right to claim any rights in the event that they are not employed.

Assessment Processes for Expat Pilots

• Document Check
The documents requested in the job post such as logbook, licenses, diploma, passport, etc. will be checked.
• Group Assessment
Candidates whose documents are approved will be sent to a group assessment to determine their non-technical pilot competencies. The assessment will consist of three stages.
• Simulator Test
The candidates will be tested on their piloting skills with the simulator assessment which includes preflight brief, flight assessment, and post-flight debrief.
• Panel Interview
The interview conducted by HR Specialists and captain pilots. The interview will consist of questions about candidates’ backgrounds, experiences, and technical knowledge.
• Medical Assessment
Candidates will be sent to a designated private hospital for a thorough medical check which will be expensed by THY.

Turkish Airlines has all rights within the scope of evaluation processes.


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